Media Contact List:
Combine multiple department contacts to cultivate master list.
Schedule meeting opportunities to introduce myself to local media reps.
Media Content
Develop a daily, weekly, monthly schedule to consistently populate media sites with content.
Begin process for logo redesign, vendor selection. Possible citizen survey?
Website Redesign:
Work with Eric on website redesign process.
Social Media Watch:
Make note of what other municipalities do well & identify groups with strong voices.
Online Processes:
Identify processes that can be provided online through the City website. Ex.: Development Review
Identify the degree to which the MRM is involved with departments.
Fan/Follower Growth:
Integrate social media presence with other current communication sources.
Track Changes:
Track & report changes in social media engagement.
Brand Cohesiveness
Implement a branding strategy which incorporates the new logo/website & blends various departments.
Overall Citizen Engagement:
Focus Groups
Website Features
Recognition – Engagement Award
PBG University
- Capitalize on press relationships with feature story pitches
- Move into local magazine market for project placement
- New Media Relations Manager :)
- Increase use of social media to promote civic engagement
- Create PBG University- Citizens become advocates
- Public broadcast of meetings
- 311 App
- Avenues for citizen input (i.e. surveys, request app, website)
- Council centered community events & activities
- Easier access to public documents-reduce record requests
- Advertising & marketing of City projects/initiatives in the community
- Assigned newspaper reporter
- Consistent coverage of City in local paper
- Strong brand
- Strong audience numbers on Facebook
- Long serving employees with expertise and institutional knowledge
- Engaged citizenry that is accepting of technology
- I.T. Department well organized to respond to City needs
- Strong internal bond and secure working relationship between departments
- Untapped opportunities with television media
- No direct connection with editors
- Use of local television news to promote City
- Limited use of video of City meetings/initiatives on social media/website
- Weak brand identity- especially to those unfamiliar with PBG
- Outdated web design & logo
- Limited/no personnel in specialized areas: Broadcast/Editing
- Lack of mobile applications
- Staff skills/knowledge of emerging technology
- Automated social media presence
- Lack of consistent administrative communication plan & procedures
- Uneven distribution of City news across mediums- Print Heavy
- Inaccurate reporting by PBP
- Public perception of lack of transparency
- Weakened, unprofessional branding
- Loss of respect from surrounding municipalities, citizens and visitors
- Competition from surrounding governments for media access
- Multiple logos & communication pieces handled by different departments – lack of united image
- Risk of unpreparedness in a crisis
SWOT Analysis
Media Relations