The Tyger by William Blake
Religious Ideas
- William Blake was sceptical about over Christianising his work
- The "he" and "his"
- Posssible Greek God
Song of Innocence and of experience
- Religion
- Awe and Amazement
- "The lamb"
- Souls
- Child with Innocence vs Child of Experience
- William Blake was born in London( 1757-1827)
- He supported the ideals of the French Revolution
- A man who challenged the views of religion and human conditions
- He was a poet and engraver, he was seen as a leading role in the Romantic movement in England
Form and Structure
- Six quatrains in rhymed couplets.(Quasi Balladic).
- The meter is regular and rhythmic
- Trotraich Tetrameter pattern. Stress falls on first syllable of each pair.
- Traits such as a blacksmiths hammer.