DAPTACEL ® is a diphtheria vaccine that is manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur.
Diphtheria is a respiratory disease that is caused by a bacterium named Corynebacteruim diptheriae. The bacteria release a toxin that causes a thick substance to form above the pharynx, making it difficult to breathe.
Public Reaction and Future Development
- In the past, parents wanted children immunized, but in the 21st century, some parents question why children should be immunized as the disease is rare.
- Studies being done on the safety and effectiveness of mixed doses of different DTap vaccines.
- Vaccine can now be stored in room temperature (McMaster University Research)
Diagnostic Tools and Prior Knowledge
- Need to isolate the bacteria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) and cultivate it
- A challenge to find the right toxoid.
- Instead of harming animals, they find alternative ways to produce the antitoxin (genetic engineering).
- A swab specimen is taken from the throat to test for the bacteria. Bacteria is grown to determine whether patient is contaminated.
- Through genetic engineering, antitoxin/toxoids for the vaccines can be produced.
Clinical Trials
Conditions to Get Vaccine
- 5 dose series for children in the span of 6 weeks to 6 years
- First 3 doses are primary immunization, last 2 are boosters
- Children with allergic reactions to previous dose of the vaccine, nervous system problems, or severe illnesses should not get the vaccination.
- Sweden I Efficacy Trial
- DAPTACEL® was compared to to other DTap vaccines; DAPTACEL® was most effective.
- US Study
- DAPTACEL® was for analyzed for the local and systemic reaction rates after each dose
- Health: side effects range from mild to severe (mild: fever, cyanosis, nausea; severe: high body temperature, persistent crying, seizures)
- Environment: animals (horse, guinea pigs) were injected toxin to generate antitoxins. The animals were abused.
- Economic: Other companies have started making DTap vaccine.
Treatment methods and production (past and present):
- Tracheotomy and intubation
- Antitoxin (immunized guinea pigs produced a substance preventing impact of diphtheria)
- Toxoid (formalin inactivate toxins and induces antibodies)
- Vaccine (diphtheria bacteria modified and purified and then combined with other components and Al3(PO4))
By: Kirishanthy Radhakrishna