How Geometry is Used in The Medical Field
Math courses required
- Algebra
- Geometry + Trigonometry
- Calculus
- Statistics
By:Jada Johnson
physical therapy
What is the study of medicine?
- used when determining angles limbs can be effectively stretched
- used when rotating limbs at different angles
- Helps patients with injured backs while using cervical extension and lumbar extension machines
Different careers in medicine
The science of healing; The practice of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease, and the promotion of health.
- Physician
- Therapist
- pharmacist
- Radiologic Technologist
- physical Therapist
- Dental Hygentist
- Clinical Laboratory Technologist
- Veterinary Technologist
Thank You!
Adjacent angles
- used when placing crowns on teeth to insure proper placement
Administering medicine
- nurses use proportions to determine how much medicine to give them based off their weight