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Népszerű keresések
By Breece McCarthy and Carly McDermott
Leather saddles and stirrups changed the way warfare was conducted in Europe during the 700s. Both had been developed in Asia around 200 B.C.
The saddle kept a warrior firmly seated on a moving horse. Stirrups enabled him to ride and handle heavier weapons. Without stirrups to brace him, a charging warrior was likely to topple off his own horse. Frankish knights, galloping full tilt, could knock over enemy foot soldiers and riders on horseback. Gradually, mounted knights became the most important part of an army. Their warhorses played a key military role.
At a young age, sons of nobles begin training for knighthood. At age seven, a boy would be sent off to the castle of another lord. At around age 14, the page reached the rank of squire. A squire acted as a servant to a knight. At around age 21, a squire officially became a knight.
Knights also part take in mock battles called Tournaments. They were gruesome and bloody competitions that helped knights train for future battles.In which two armies of knights charged each other, and one side is declared victorious. The competitions are good for the winners, for they can demand large ransoms from the defeated knights.
The code of chivalry, states that a knight must fight bravely in defense of three masters. Which were his feudal lord, his heavenly Lord, and his chosen lady. A knights main characteristics were to be loyal, brave, and courteous. The chivalrous knight also protected the weak and the poor.
Knights were responsible for protect the lords land. Also, a knight’s main obligation was to serve in battle. From his knights, a lord typically demanded about 40 days of combat a year. A knights pas-times also often revolved around training for war. Wrestling and hunting helped them gain strength and practice the skills they would need on the battlefield.