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How Antacid Tablets Work
We have stomach acid to help us kill the bacteria and germs that accidentally went in your body.The acid in our stomach is called hydrochloric acid. It's pH ranges from 2 to 3.
When you have to much acid the pH is usually 1 - 1.5
Antacid tablets are tablets made out of an alkali called calcium hydroxide carbonate and they are use to neutralize some of our stomach acid .
We take Antacid Tablet when we have too much acid in our stomach or when our stomach acid is going somewhere it's not supposed to be, when that happens it sometime causes heartburn.
Heartburn happens when you have too much acid in your stomach . The top 3 things that trigger it are late-night meals,large portions and fast foods ( food with lots of fat in general). These 3 things are fuel to the fire that is your stomach acid.
Other things may be :
Drinking too much alcohol
The chemical in the antacid tablet is an alkali called calcium hydroxide carbonate Ca(OH)
***incorrect - it is called Calcium Hydroxide and the symbol equation is Ca(OH)2***
and the acid in your stomach is called hydrochloric acid HCL . When the come together they neutralize and they also create a chemical known as calcium chloride CaCI2.
The chemical equation for this is :
HCL + Ca(OH) = CaCI2 + H2O
This is showing how the particles are joining. They will create new particles that are neutralized but some however will remain the same as an acid particle. Not changing due to the fact that the antacid tablet only neutralizes some of the acid.
After taking the antacid tablets the pH in your stomach acid goes back to normal which is pH 1 to 1.5.
The 2 chemical that react when you take the tablet are acid and alkali as you already know .When they come together a reaction takes place. The name of this reaction is neutralisation.