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These practices affect citizens all around America and they can be prevented.
It’s been estimated that 80% of crashes and 65% of near-crashes involve some element of driver distraction. Each Year thousands of citizens are injured or killed due to the bad habits. Car accidents are the number one killer for teens in America.
Texting While Driving
- 500,000 Injured
- 6,000 killed
- Sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind
- 28% of all road accidents resulting from drivers texting or using their cellphones
Drinking While Driving
- Every 48 minutes someone is killed by a drunk driver.
- Each year approximately 16,000 people are killed.
- Alcohol-related crashes in the United States cost the public an estimated $114.3 billion.
Dangers of
Unsafe Driving
Eating While Driving
- Drivers who eat and drive increase the odds of an accident by 80%.
- What if there is a spill?
- 83% of driver drink beverages while they drive