A butterfly represents Hareton because at first he was wild, misbehaved and couldn't read. However, as the story progresses he becomes more civilized and educated.
By: Emily Bronte
The mercedes represents Jealousy because everyone is jealous of people who have mercedes! They are very nice and expensive cars. Many of the problems, especially involving relationships, were propelled by jealousy.
Edgar symbolizes trash because he let Catherine walk all over him. She treated him like trash but he was blinded by her beauty and didn't notice.
Dirtbike represents a psychological theme because it is intimidating and scary. To ride a dirtbike you have to have the right mentality to not be scared to go for what you want. In Wuthering Heights they all play psychological games in hope of getting what they want.
Wuthering Heights
- Heathcliff
- Catherine
- Hareton
- Edgar
- Linton
The skull and crossbones shows revenge. Heathcliffs main goal in the whole book was getting revenge on the Linton's and Earnshaw's. The skull and crossbones is scary and shows death.
This huge truck symbolizes power. The car powers over every other car and could run over anything. It is the leader of all cars!
Linton represents grass because he was sickly and weak all his life. He didn't really contribute to anything and always just sat there- like grass.
This old car represents class because someone who is poor would have this car. Catherine wouldn't admit to loving Heathcliff because he was low class and wasn't considered as great as her.
Catherine symbolizes flowers because she had the appearnce to be very beautiful and lady-like. She was well mannered and people were blinded by her beauty.
Heathcliff represents rocks because he was stubborn, dark, rough and hurt people. He was boring and didn't have much of a personality. Heathcliff treated others like dirt.
Photo based on: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr