When Do I Use a Capital Letter?
- Understand capitalization rules
- Identify and correct capitalization mistakes
Rule #2: Formal Titles
Rule #1: Proper Nouns
Bell Ringer
- Capitalize a formal title when that person is being directly addressed
- Doctor, can you please help me?
- Capitalize family titles (uncle, aunt) when they come before the person's name
- Aunt Marie is coming to visit.
- Capitalize proper nouns
- James
- Austin, Texas
- Any adjectives taken from proper nouns
- the Golden Gate Bridge
- a Shakespearean sonnet
- You will read each of the sentences on your paper and:
- Correct any capitalization mistakes
- Rewrite the ENTIRE sentence with corrections
- Turn it in BEFORE moving on to your next activity
- You will have 5 minutes to complete the activity
- This is independent work, so you will not be working with a partner
Rule #3: Major words in books, articles, and songs
- "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid"
- "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?"
- "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More Touch Me"
- Do not capitalize conjunctions, prepositions, or articles unless they are FIRST in the title