'Understanding' - Weber used
this term to refer to the understanding
of why people act as they do, bearing
in mind the context that they are acting in.
Dual Labour Market
- Primary Labour Market
- Secondary Labour Market.
Humans have a variety of motives
that include, emotions, traditions and rational choice and saw stratification in terms of the relationship between class, status and party.
Status is related to inequalities that are to do
with the way in which people judge and relate
to each other.
Argues that the welfare
state has failed because
it keeps benefits low and
expects people able bodied
to seek employment, this
keeps industrial power and
Class is to do with the inequalities that
occur in the workings of capitalism
and the market place.
Party is related to concepts of politics
in its broadest sense. Weber says people form
groups and organisations to look after their
own interests.
4 Constellations of Class:
- The dominant property owning
and commercial class
- The white collar intelligentsia
- The petty bourgeoisie (small business owners)
- The manual working class.
Status is determined by the
market situation of employment.
Lower class jobs don't have the same
benefits, have lower class situation
(lower pay, less job security) compared
to higher class jobs.
Class divisions and inequalities
reflect different life chances in
the market and that a persons
class position is determined by
the job market.