the theme of this novel is that society is full of people with hidden secrets, people that are excluded. It shows what one girl will do to feel "in".
this book is about a girl who has a mischievous mind, and looks to do crazy things.
the significance of the title:
the title of the book shows that there are many things that this young girl is keeping secret.
the main conflict:
- the main conflict is that frankie feels excluded and left out of her boyfriends' secret society.
Frankie landau-Banks:
- daughter of a wealthy man
- recently had a major growth spurt
- very intellegent
Matthew Livingston:
- cute older boyfriend of Frankie
- involved in some secret he won't tell her
Porter Welsch:
- slightly nerdy ex-boyfriend of Frankie's.
- got into her current boyfriend's secret club
- tries to warn her about Matthew
there is some major irony in this novel because it shows that even though the girl in the relationship is put down and hurt constantly, she is without a doubt the supior intellegance, even though Matthew thinks he's so much better than her
to me, this novel symbolizes the struggles teenagers go through to feel "in" and how they will do anything to get their peers to like them.
Why YOU should read this book:
its an interesting novel full of good information.
has a lot of depth and meaning that any teen can comprehend.
It's a cute story that is fun, and full of twists.