- Aboriginal Spirituality has many things in common with other religions.
- Aboriginal people believe in a GOD.
- The Aboriginal people believe in the Rainbow Serpent.
- Aboriginal people have a very strong connection with their land.
- When a member of the community passes, the whole community gathers together.
"The Dreaming"
Is a belief of the Aboriginal people that is the spiritual connection between mankind and the land.
Aboriginal Ritual
Buddhism Ritual
- Believe in different GODS
- Types of Rituals
- Symbols
- Beliefs
- Purposes
- At a death ritual souls have different fates.
- It eventually disappears
- Aboriginal Rituals are often called in English "Sorry Business".
- Forms of punishment for taking anothers life include;
- It is believed that as soon as the death of the body has taken place, the personality goes into a state of trance for four days.
- First Bardo takes place
- The Second Bardo begins
- The Third and final Bardo starts
- After death, while the dead person is being prepared of the funeral fire, the monks continue to chant in order to help the dead one's good energies to be released from their fading personality.
The similarities Between Aboriginal Spirituality and Buddhism include;
- Believe in a Super Being
- Rituals
- Symbols
- Purposes/Reasons
- Traditions
7 Dimensions
7 Dimensions
- In Aboriginal Spirituality the dimensions that are associated with the religion are: Rituals, Mythological, Social and Material.
- Ritual
- Mythological
- Social
- Material
- In Aboriginal Spirituality the dimensions that are associated with the religion are: Rituals, Ethics and Legal, Doctrinal and Material.
- Ritual
- Ethics and Legal
- Doctrinal and philosophical
- Material
1 - Introduction
2 - Hypothesis
3 - What is Aboriginal Sprituality?
4 - What is Buddhism
5 - Symbols
6 - Similarities
7 - Differences
8 - Buddhism Ritual
9 - Aboriginal Ritual
10 - End
Death and Burial Rituals are ceremonies for celebrating, respecting, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a person who has died. Funerary customs comprise the complex of beliefs and practices used by a culture to remember the dead.
- Buddhism emphasizes on practices over beliefs.
- The Buddha was called the "Enlightened One".
- The Buddha considered knowledge important only if it remained practical.
- He focused on urging his followers to focus on the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS.
- Buddhists deeply believe in the death and passing of someone, so they took death very seriously.
The End
Aboriginal and Buddhism
Death and Burial Rituals
Hypothesis: Aboriginal Spirituality and Buddhism have many similarities and differences. However both have their own unique death and burial rituals.
By Louis Cleary
& Callum Watt