What were the effects of colonization on indigenous groups?
- French culture left a strong impact on Moroccan culture
- Approximately half of Morocco's population speaks French, even though it isn't native to Morocco
- When the French colonized, they built many railways, roads, and trading posts
- Today, Morocco has one of the most developed systems of infrastructure in Africa
- School systems were also effected. When the French and Spanish came, they built many new schools that were very different from traditional Moroccan schools
- Unfortunately, a lot of the European schools stayed and are still in Morocco today
Who colonized Morocco?
What is one current issue of social or environmental justice that finds its root causes in the history of colonialism?
What were the effects from colonization on indigenous groups? (cont.)
- Morocco is a country in Northern Africa
- In the 20th century, Morocco fell under control of Europeans, like many other countries in Africa
- Both the French and Spanish colonized Morocco
- France showed a strong interest in Morocco as early as 1830, because a lot of the country is bordered by water (so it would be easy to take over)
Morocco Today
- PotashCorp is extracting mineral resources from the area without the consent from locals
- A group of Newfoundland nuns are asking PotashCorp that have dealings in the Western Sahara and southern Morocco to have an external review done to make sure locals are being treated fairly
- These nuns are hoping to bring attention to this issue and are very concerned for the people of Western Sahara
- Nearly half the population has fled the area and are now living in refugee camps
- This region is considered the last colony in Africa
- The Spanish and French also built new cities in Morocco
- Louis Lyautey helped created two cities on the coast (Casablanca and Kenitra)
- French architecture greatly influenced Moroccan buildings
- The rules and laws in Moroccan government today originate from the laws of France
- Morocco gained independence on November 18, 1956 by King Mohammed V.
- Today Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament
- Right now the King of Morocco is Mohammed VI
What other tactics and policies were used to colonize?
How did the French and Spanish colonize?
Treaty Of Fez
- At the time of the colonization, Morocco was at a time of financial instability, (which the French and Spanish took to their advantage)
- When Abdelhafid took over as being the new ruler, he was only allowed to do so if he cut off all ties between Morocco and the Europeans
- However, this was very difficult to do. He was eventually forced to get financial help from the French, just like his brother had.
- Again, different tribes rebelled against the Sultan, causing the French to get involved to protect him
- The Sultan became very dependent on the French and France slowly gained control of the Sultan and Morocco
- In 1907, Abdelhafid began rebelling against his brother Abdelaziz (sultan of Morocco)
- Abdelaziz had taken out loans from France to help improve the failing state of their economy
- Moroccan people didn't like that he was getting help from the Europeans, which caused an uprising against Abdelaziz
- This made it easier for Abdelhafid to turn Moroccan people against his brother and have Abdelaziz removed as the sultan (with Abdelhafid replacing him). Abdelaziz was then forced to flee to Tangier
- Abdelhafid was unable to keep Morocco under control, and there were many riots and lots of chaos.
- These rebellions were a method of citizens reacting to his bad ruling after taking over the country
- During the colonization, European people went to live in Morocco
- Many of these Europeans had skills that could help turn Morocco into a more "European" country
- On average, French made about 8 times more than Moroccans did, (farmers especially)
- The French people generally thought of themselves as superior
- A significant change that was made was the schooling systems
- Before Morocco was imperialized, education was a big part of Moroccan culture/society
- Religion played a huge role in education
What other tactics and policies were used to colonize? (cont.)
- Social status revolved a lot around how much education you had
- After France imperialized, they made separate colonial school systems and began teaching a more modern way of schooling
- These French schools also promoted France's more ruling and dominant way of life
- These schools totally demolished traditional Moroccan education and teaching styles
French Protectorate
- In the French protectorate, there were resident-generals who held most of the power
- Louis Lyautey was the first resident general (until 1925). He was sent to Morocco the year it became a french protectorate
- Surprisingly, he took the time to educate himself on Morocco and thought very highly of people native to Morocco
- Likewise, both french people and native Moroccans approved of Louis
- He never tried to offend or disrespect any native Moroccans
- While Louis was in charge, the French mostly tried to help Moroccans by teaching them farming techniques
- This only really lasted while Louis Lyautey was in charge
What actions have been taken to resist and recover from the effects?
- The Moroccan resistance to colonization started as early as 1921 (Declaration of the Separatist Republic of the Rif)
- This was basically declaring independence from Spain
- 1934 - Moroccan Action Commitee
- Finally with the creation of the Independence Party in 1944 that delivered most of the leadership for the movement that led to the Independence of Morocco (1956)
The division of how Morocco was colonized
French Resident General Louis Lyautey
Spanish Protectorate
Treaty of Fez (cont.)
- Spain controlled only about 15% of Morocco
- The Spanish Protectorate picked a khalifah or viceroy that was chosen out of the royal family members in Morocco
- The khalifah served as the head but did not have any significant power
- In both protectorates, various branches were created to control Morocco
- Jobs in these different departments were given to Europeans, not Moroccans
- March 30 1912- The Treaty of Fez was signed
- The treaty basically stated that Morocco was now a French protectorate, meaning Morocco maintained its own internal government, but France was still in control
- In addition to making Morocco a French protectorate, there was also a Spanish protectorate formed in northern Morocco
- The Sultan of Morocco (Abdelhafid) still was considered the sultan, but he really had nominal power
- After the treaty was signed, Spain and France had almost complete control over Morocco
Colonization of Morocco
Kasia Graham