Gatsby Downfall
- Lived in a fantasy
- Constantly recalling the past
- Unable to be realistic
- Not being able to move on
Gastby's Failures
- Did not get Daisy
- Daisy didn't tell tom she never loved him
- Did not really become a part of the East egg crowd
- Couldnt stop time
- Couldnt hide the fact that Pammy's a symbol of love in btwn Tom & Daisy at one point in their lives.
Macbeth's Downfall
Gatsby's Conflicts
- Couldn't be with Daisy
- Pammy (Daisy's daughter)
- Wanted Daisy to tell tom that she never loved him
The Great Gatsby
By: F. Scott Fitzgerald
The importance of conflict
- W/o conflict we wouldn't be heard and come to a resolution
- Also teaches you to learn to communicate and come to an agreement
Con·flict: a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
- His ambition
- Once the witche's told him about his future he relied on them
- Led his wife get to his head about becoming King
Conflict: The Great Gatsby & Macbeth
Macbeth Conflicts
By: Genesis Jimenez
- Not being able to get away from the murder of Duncan
- His concious guilt
- Fails to kill Banquo's son
- Relied on the prophecies w/o questioning them first
- Relied too much on people for his work
- Wanted to become King of Scotland
- Wanted it all (power, money, royalty)
Great Gatsby
Rich vs Poor
- Great Gatsby played w dirty money to get where he wanted to go, this is rich vs poor and old money vs new money
Rich Vs Poor In Today's Society
Similarities Between both
- Both have an appearance vs reality
- Both achieved their goals but could not keep it
- Both were led to their downfall by a woman
- Ambition; the hunger for power and money
Rich vs Poor
- Macbeth had to kill King Duncan (committed a crime) in order to get money, power and loyalty