- God's on-going Self-Revealation
- Dialogue with Events of Human History
- Human wisdom eg International Human Rights Law
Human Dignity, the Common Good, Subsidiarity, Solidarity
Key Messages
Catholic Social Teaching on Migration
Curial Documents
Papal Documents
- Instructions, Guidelines
- Addresses
- Interventions at International Meetings
Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrant & Itinerant People
- The Church & Human Mobility
- Refugees: A Challenge to Solidarity, 1992
- Erga Migrantes Caritas Christi, 2004
- Welcoming Christ in Refugees & Forcibly Displaced Persons, 2013
Congregation for Bishops
- De Pastorali Migratorum Cura
- Encyclicals
- Pastoral Letters / Exhortations
- World Day of Migrants & Refugees Messages
- Addresses / talks / homilies
Pius XII Esul Familia Nazarethana, 1952
- Set out norms for the spiritual care of migrants
- applied established principles such as universal destination of goods, the common good, workers rights to the data of migration
Pius XII Ancora Una Volta, 1946
- called on States to welcome prisoners, internees and exiles as a work of Christian charity
Paul VI, Populorum Progressio, 1967
Pius XII La Solennita, 1941
- Affirms the right to migrate in order to safeguard and support the family
- based on a right to private property
- saw migration as a development issue caused by a lack of brotherhood
- duty to welcome others
Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, 1965
- right to emigrate
- right of states to regulate the flow of migrants
John XXIII, Pacem in Terris, 1963
John Paul II, 1978- 2005
- Puts people before state sovereignty
- affirms the rights to immigrate and to emmigrate as human rights
- says that as far as possible, work should come to workers rather than vice versa
- State has a duty to accept and integrate migrants subject to the common good
World Day of Migrants & Refugees Messages
Paul VI, Octogesima Adveniens, 1971
Calls for a charter enshrining the rights of immigrant workers
Paul VI, Pastoralis Migratorum, 1969
Pastoral implementation of the Council's teaching.
Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 2009
lent formal teaching authority to Erga Migrantes in Caritas Christi's positions
Local Church Agencies
- Submissions to Government
- Position Papers
- Public Education Material
Local Bishops
- Pastoral Letters
- Media Releases