Our Articles
- Our titles are Genetically Engineered Crops Can Help People in Developing Nations and A malaria vaccine is desperately needed in Africa.
- Both titles are self explanatory
- Both discuss aspects of technological globalization
- Both touch on views against technological globalization
My Article
- Dennis T. Avery.
- Discusses the advantages of genetically enhanced crops.
- Emphasizes the importance for them in developing countries
- World Hunger is getting worse and these crops are needed in poor farming countries.
- These crops are safe, but some countires are hesitant.
- Technological advances in agriculture are prime examples of globalization
- Food is something everybody needs
- The entire world suffers from hunger in some way or another
Technological Globalization
What is technological globalization?
- Making the world more accessible through new technology.
- Making the world more connected with advances in different technological fields (scientific, agricultural etc.).
- Allowing products to be widely shared through the use of new innovations.
Healthcare advances:
As seen in one of our articles technologies allows nations to help one another through vaccines and treatments.
Agricultural advances:
From better farming equipment advances (watering systems, tractors etc.) to genetically enhanced crops and fertilizers technological advances in agriculture contribute heavily to globalization.
Renewable energy advances:
Things such as new developments in solar and hydro energy. (new solar panel technology etc.)
Technological Globalization