Alicia Who Sees Mice
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
Education is the way out of poverty
Affect on Esperanza
"Alicia, who inherited her mother's rolling pin and sleepiness, is young and smart and studies for the first time at the University." (Cisneros,Page 31)
Purpose & Meaning
Alicia's Purpose
- Hardworking and determined
- Motivation is to get out of Mango Street
- Has many responsibilities
- Fear of upsetting her father
- Ideal role model
- More motivation to escape
- Only intellegent & responsible friend
- Few others like Esperanza wanted a way out
- Served as 'older sister' for Esperanza
Adding Meaning
- Importance of education for better life
- Gives Esperanza hope for the future
Human Rights/Social Issues
Relation to Al Bedoon
- "Is afraid of nothing except four-legged fur. And Fathers.
Suggests physical abuse by father.
- Alicia inherited mother's position (Domestic toil)
- Not many oppurtunities for education (Poor Immigrant)
- Lack of women's rights in household
Al Bedoon: People without legal citizenships
Affects home life
Could lead to domestic abuse upon children
Will lead to other issues (Education, Health..)
Static Character
Stays focused on goal
Willing to do whatever it takes
Stays up every night to study
"Two trains and a bus, because she doesn't want to spend her whole life in a factory or behind a rolling pin." (Ciseneros, page 31)
"Is a good girl,my friend, studies all night and sees the mice, the ones her father says do not exist. Is afraid of nothing except four-legged fur. And fathers." (Ciseneros, Page 32)
Illustrates how far Alicia is willing to go for education.
Displays dedication to leaving poverty behind.
Explains effect of all her hardwork.
Living situation holds her back.
Illustrates importance of escaping poverty.
Affected by Surroundings:
Controlling father affects how she acts and level of dedication to her education.