Chief Judge
Edward J. Cleary
- Chief Judge since September 2013
- Appointed by Governor Dayton.
- Current term expires October 31, 2016
- Has been an appellate judge since 2011
- Current term expires January 2021.
Judge Michelle Anne Larkin
- Appointed by Governor Pawlenty in 2008.
- Elected in 2010.
- Current term expires in January 2017.
- Appointed to the Tenth Judicial District in 2005 by Governor Tim Pawlenty.
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals in 2012.
- Elected in 2014.
- Current term expires in 2021.
What will you learn about the justices?
Judge Peter M. Reyes, Jr.
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals in in 2014 by Governor Mark Dayton
- Elected in 2016
- Current term expires in 2023
Cases get reviewed
(Oral arguments)
Judges (3)
- Appointed by Tim Pawlenty in 2006.
- Elected in 2008 and reelected in 2014
- Term expires in 2020
- Formed and administers the Quill & Bagel Society
- One of the exemplary judicial opinion writers in 2011 by "Green Bag Almanac and Reader."
- Served as a board member of Scribes in 2013.
- Appointed to the court of appeals by Tim Pawlenty in January 2008.
- Elected in 2010.
- Term expires January 2017.
- Appointed as Minnesota Court of Appeals Chief Judge by Tim Pawlenty in 2010.
- Term expired in 2013.
- Appointed to the Minnesota Court of Appeals by Govenor Tim Pawlenty in October 2007, started in January 2008.
- Elected in 2010.
- Term expires in January 2017.
- Appointed to the Fourth Judicial District in 1996.
- Elected in 1998, 2004.
- Appointed to the Minnesota Court of Appeals in 2005
- Elected in 2006
- Reelected in 2012.
- Term expires in 2018.
- Appointed in 1996 to the Third Judicial District, Waseca.
What happens at the Court of Appeals?
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals by Governor Mark Dayton in 2014.
- Elected in 2016
- Current term expires in 2023.
- Previous Judge for the Fourth Judicial District from 1997-2014.
1. How many justices make up the Minnesota Court of Appeals.
2. How long a term is for each judge.
3. What it takes to be elected for another term.
Judge Louise Dovre Bjorkman
Judge Francis J. Connolly
- Appointed to the Minnesota Court of Appeals in 2008.
- Elected in 2010 and his term expires in January 2017.
- Appointed to the Fourth Judicial District in 1998.
- Elected in 2000.
- Reelected in 2006.
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals in 2008 by Governor Tim Pawlenty.
- Elected in 2010.
- Current term expires January 2017.
- Appointed to the Second Judicial District in 1998 by Governor Arne Carlson.
- Elected in 2000.
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals in June of 2012 by Governor Mark Dayton
- Elected in 2014
- Term expires in January 2021
- Judge of the Seventh District Court from 1989-2011.
- Appointed to the Minnesota Court of Appeals in 2016 by Governor Mark Dayton.
- Current Term Expires in 2019.
Judge Randolph W. Peterson
- Appellate judge since 1990
- Appointed in 1990 and elected for every term since.
- Term expires in 2017.
- Previous Minnestoa Senator (1980-1986).
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals by Governor Mark Dayton in 2012.
- Elected in 2014.
- Current term expires in 2021.
- Elected in 2002 and 2008 as Scott County District Court Judge.
Lue Yang
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals by Governor Mark Dayton in 2016.
- Current Term expires in January of 2019.
Judge Lawrence "Larry" B. Stauber, Jr.
Judge Jill Flaskamp Halbrooks
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals in 2008 by Governor Tim Pawlenty.
- Elected in 2010.
- Present term expires in January 2017.
- Was previously an Infantry officer for the United States Army, 1971-1974
- Appointed in 1998 by Governor Arne Carlson
- Elected in 2000, 2006, and 2012.
- Term expires in 2018
Kent Richard Jones
- Appointed to the Court of Appeals by Governor Mark Dayton in 2016
- Current term expires 2019.
- Previously the Law Clerk for the United States Court of Appeals in the Third District.
Court of Appeals Opinions
You can sign up via email/text to recieve updates on these opinions @:
- Felonies
- Gross Misdemeanors
- Misdemeanors
- Petty Misdemeanors
- Ordinance Violations
- Traffic Citations
- Civil Actions
- Real Estate Actions
- Family
- Probate
- Juvenile
- Landlord-Tenant
How Does A Case Get to the Court of Appeals
What types of cases are heard in the Court of Appeals?
What is the Minnesota Court of Appeals?
100 to 120 cases a year
- A motion is filed by either attorney with the clerk of the appellate court.
- The Notice of Appeal must be served to both parties within the appeal period
Certificate as to File and Delivery
What is it?
Time frame?
Who gets one?
- Started on November 1, 1983.
- Provides citizens prompt and deliberate review of final decisions from trial courts, state agencies, and local governments
Ordering the Transcript
- Certificate as to Transcript
- Certificate as to File and Delivery
Certificate as to Transcript
If the Court of Appeals hears 2,000 to 2,400 cases a year and only only appeals 5 percent of them to the Supreme Court, how many cases a year does the Supreme Court hear?
Who files?
What's next?
- Handles most of the cases that get appealed.
- Allows the Supreme Court to focus on cases that require more attention.
Minnesota Court of Appeals