Researched By: Allyssa Ungrue
BHC Alhambra provides a vast network for its patients.
- Mental health patients on a daily basis interact with:
- Doctors
- Psychiatrists
- Case Managers
- Nurses
- Trained Floor Staff
- Eating disorder patients:
- All of the above in addition to Dieticians
Social Network & Social Support
Defined: Social networks focus on relational ties between people as channels for the flow of:
- Information and behaviors
- Supportive actions
- Resources and products
A very important method that the BHC Alhambra facility uses is case management. Since this hospital offers acute care, many of the patients are either gravely disabled, addicted to alcohol or drugs, or homeless. The case management team works to bridge the gap for these patients as an attempt for successful aftercare.
Health Promotion Mission
Furthermore, BHC Alhambra's professional network remains in constant contact with one another. This allows each department to be fully updated on any pertinent information regarding the patient and their treatment.
Example: The patient's doctor and psychiatrist will discuss the patient's physical and mental status to decide which route of treatment best suits their needs.
"To develop, implement and manage in the most ethical
and efficient manner, a network of superior behavioral health services with optimal client outcomes."
Suggestions for Improvement
Funding Sources
Most Important Methods and Achievements
Driving Theory at BHC Alhambra
the Translation of Theory to Practice
Alhambra Sanatorium was a small private institution for nervous patients established in 1924.
Today, BHC Alhambra Hospital is a private, fully accredited, full-service acute psychiatric hospital serving children, adolescents and adults.
BHC provides behavioral health, substance abuse, and eating disorder treatment options for the communities of the San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles County, and surrounding areas but does not provide emergency services.
Mental Health Patients: BHC receives between 1,200-1,500 dollars per patient per night stay.
Eating Disorder Patients: BHC receives between 2,500-3,000 dollars per patient per night stay.
BHC accepts private insurance, Medicare, Medical, out-of-pocket payment and is contracted with certain hospitals.
- Bring in more doctors, psychiatrists and nurses so that patients have access to more resources.
- Example 1: Usually 1 nurse is responsible for an entire unit for their 12 hour shift.
- Example 2: 1 doctor can have more than 45 patients at a time.
- Training in cultural and ethical beliefs and differences in matters such as prescribing medicine.
Health Promotion Methods
1. Counseling Services
- Individual, Group, and Family Therapy
2. Case Management
- Referral to partial hospitalization or outpatient facility
- Prior to discharge helps patients set up their aftercare plan:
Examples include placement in rehabilitation or mental facilities, placement in shelters, transportation and follow up.
The Director of Nursing, Vicky Grant, stated that the achievements of BHC are shown through the patients and their time spent at the facility.
BHC Alhambra's staff provides different types of social support including:
- Instrumental support
- Tangible aid like help with tasks
- Informational support
- Provide information
- Appraisal support
- Help in making evaluations and decisions
- Emotional support
- Trust and empathy
Social Network &
Social Support Cont.
3. Health & Wellness
- Nutrition consultation upon admission
- Available to all patients, but necessary if BMI is less than 21 or more than 28
- Vaccinations upon discharge
- Gym
- Activity/skills clinic
Defined: Social support focuses on the individual, quality and quantity of the individual's support ties, and types and functions of support given through these ties.
The hospital itself provides an environment where these types of social support functions can grow and flourish.
There are different effects on health of social support; however, the one that is most relevant at BHC is the "buffer" effect where the social support offered blocks negative effects of other variables.