Thank you!
- Chapter 6: Feedforward, Concurrent, & Feedforward Controls
- Solving problems before, while, and after they occur
Rebecca Halstead: Steadfast Leadership
- Chapter 8: Span of Control
- Number of persons reporting to a supervisor
- Flat Structure
- Personal Leadership; concern for others
In conclusion, there is no question that Rebecca Halstead was an exceptional manager. Over and over, her actions demonstrated that she was a capable and praise-worthy leader.
She demonstrated this through participatory planning, democratic leadership style, span of control, and feedforward, concurrent, and feedback controls.
- Brigaidier General Rebecca Halstead
- 7 promotions in 24 years
- Influence & Leadership
- Functions of Management
- The 63rd Ordnance Company
- Chapter 5: Participatory Planning
- Involving the soldiers in restructuring
- Cooperation amongst team
- "We" attitude over "me" attitude
- Chapter 11: Democratic Leader
- Met with every individual
- Took concerns from them and used them to implement restructuring of organization
A Case Study presented by:
- Thomas Baker
- Blakelee Evans
- Malani Hibbard
- Alma Jacobo
- Rebecca Peterson
- Joseph Reyes