The new Queen of Hawaii states her plans to rid the island nation of foreign influence....the Americans will be the first to go....
Hawaii. The Jewel of the Pacific
Spanish American War
1820s - New England missionaries
1840s - Americans set up Sugar Trade with the empire.
1890 - McKinley Tariff
raised import rates on foreign sugar (Hawaiian Sugar)
American sugar growers in Hawaii decided that annexation of Hawaii was needed.
Results of the Spanish American War
US Gained... Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico
Cuba became independent. (well, not really)
The Philippines continue to fight against occupation for another 3 years......They were fighting the US.
Only after......
* US sugar planters took over the palace and
called in marines to storm the island.
* the Queen was taken off her throne and Sanford
Dole took power.
* President Cleveland refuses to annex.....the stalemate
lasted until after the Spanish American War in 1898.
* McKinley annexed the island nation into US control.