- Factory officials and local government officials attempted to manage the spill themselves without notifying Beijing
- Drain reservoir water into the Songhua in attempt to dilute contaminants
- City officials shut down municipal water systems from river
- Mass evacuations
- Government threatened to punish anyone who attempted to cover up the incident
Effects on the Songhua River
Persons at Fault?
- Toxins included Benzene, Aniline and Nitrobeneze
- Contaminated many rivers that branch off
- Largest Trans-boundary Spill
What was it?
Who did it effect?
- A petrochemical plant explosion in the Jilin Province in China
- Resulted in over 100 tons of toxins to be spilled into the Songhua River
- Officials denied pollutions
- 6 deaths from explosions
- Over 70 injured
- 10,000 temporarily evacuated
- Worker carelessness
- Lack of response by central and regional state authorities
- Failed to notify the public until the toxins reached Harbin, China (160 miles from the explosion)
- Clog in the processing tower of Benzene section
- Carelessness of worker trying to unclog it
- Benezene - toxic chemical, known to cause cancer
- Odorless, colourless, gas form which breaks into carbon dioxide and water when burned
How could these events be justified as ‘accidents’ when humankind knows the impact that its development has on the other aspects of the environment?
What do we think about the Jilin Plant explosion?
We think that the government didn't pay close enough attention and that it's wrong they lied about the River, the River was the biggest loss next to the deaths of 6 people. It not only provide water for humans but provide water for plants and animals
- The blocked tower in the Benzene section was the only 'accident' as it wasn't meant to happen, it wasn't an 'accident' that the worker had a lack of care a didn't do his/her job properly.
- It can be justified as an accident because the Jilin plant was built to provide power to the Jilin province of China and it was also meant to create a vast amount of employment. Its purpose was not meant to explode, kill a handful of people and pollute China's water reserves.
What would Conservationists say about this disaster?
- Conservationism looks at the value that the environment had to us as humans and how its welfare will affect us. The environment is only a means to an end which means the end is the survival and well-being of humankind
- Conservationism takes an anthropocentric approach meaning it is human centered. They argue humans have intrinsic value and protection of their interests at the expense of other non-human entities is believed to be ethical - The Jilin Plant explosion killed 6 people, injured 70 people and polluted China's water reserves which was meant to be used in homes.
- Conservationism would argue that the Jilin Plant explosion is unethical as it harmed humans greatly, in a negative way as it caused the loss of lives and had a great inconvenience on the population.
Damage report and regulations put in place
- Pollution destroyed ecosystem and ruined fresh water resources
- 70% of fresh water in China is polluted
- No rules have been applied
- Global environmental organisations keep check on all chemical plants in China