- “The pictures in his mind arose / And began to breathe”
- This is believed to be referring to God thinking of his creation of man, and then putting it to life.
- Regina also has song lyrics that hint at Adam and Eve's famous act of sin, and their human-like qualities.
- She repeats the line "Blue lips, blue veins and "Blue, the most human color...."
Blue Lips
- Located in the Sistine Chapel, right next to the Creation of Adam
- In the painting, Michelangelo has Eve emerging from the side of Adam, who is sleeping.
- This piece of art alludes to their creation, because woman was created from the parts of man – hence Eve coming out of Adam’s side.
The Creation of Eve
A little bit of information...
By: Michelangelo Buonarroti
- This painting is located in the Sistine Chapel, and was painted within the span of 1511-1512.
- This painting signifies God “breathing life” into Adam
- The girl under God’s shoulder is thought to be Eve.
- The red cloth, historians believe, may be signifying a uterus, and the green cloth an umbilical cord – historians think this is supposed to act as a physical representation of the birth of man – explaining Adam’s belly-button.
Allusions to the Creation of Adam and Eve
The Creation of Adam
By Michelangelo Buonarroti
Why does this relate?
- Frankenstein refers to the man who makes him as his "Creator"
- Frankenstein also refers to himself as "Adam" a few times in the book.
- When Frankenstein was lonely, he claimed he had "no Eve to soothed his sorrows or shared his thoughts."
- Aslan represents God. He "breathes life" into the people of Narnia.
- Queen Helen and King Frank represent Adam and Eve. They were the first in Narnia and everyone is descendants of them -- they also take care of all the animals.
The Magician's Nephew