The Little Mermaid
Disney Version Summary
Named Sirenetta
Named Ariel
Curious about human life and wants to go to the surface
Goes to the surface for her birthday
Curious about human life, goes to the surface with her best friend Flounder, against her fathers will.
Goes to surface against fathers will
She saves Eric and falls in love with him.
Mermaid that falls in love with Eric
Has to be married for the spell to work
Has to be kissed for the spell to work
She makes a deal with Ursula to be a human for three days in exchange for her voice, if she doesnt get the "kiss of true love" she will lose her voice forever and transform back into a mermaid.
Makes a deal with a witch
Gets her voice back when she gets killed
Gets her voice back when the witch gets killed
Ursula takes Ariel's voice to steal Eric from her. it works and they plan on getting married.
Eric plans on marrying another girl
Gets married to Eric
Eric gets marries another girl
Ariel crashes the wedding and gets her voice back. Eric rushes to kiss her, but Ariel turns back into a mermaid and gets kidnapped.
Grimm Version Summary
Ursula dies, Ariel gets released and turned back into a human. She marries Eric.
Sirenetta goes to the surface for her birthday, sees the sinking ship and saves Eric and falls in love. When he awakes he sees a body crouched over him and thinks that's who saved him.
She makes the same deal with Ursula, but she has to feel her tail getting ripped apart and feel an agonizing pain every time she walks. She also has to marry him instead of just kissing him.
He found her on the beach and, thinking she was a mute survivor of the ship wreck, took her into the castle.
He finds the woman who "saved him" and they get married.
Her sisters appear and tell her to stab the prince and she will become a mermaid again. She was going to, but then chickened out.
Instead of vanishing like Ursula said, some "air fairies" come and take her away because she has shown so much kindness to men.