Cornelia, The First Wife
- Julius Caesar married Cornelia in 83 BC
- Cornelia gave birth to Caesar's only legitimate child when she was thirteen years old.
- She died giving birth to a second child in 63 BC, who was stillborn.
Laws and Expectations on Marriage
- Marriages were usually arranged to benefit the family's social status
- In order to be married the couple had to be Roman Citizens or be given permission
- When they married the woman was expected to give the man all of her property and be subservient to him
- Marriages were not legal bonds like today, just an agreement to live together.
Julius Caesar's Wives and Marriage
Erika Wiley, Celia Rosa, and Caroline Kilduff
Julius was married to three wives:
- Pompeia was Caesar's second wife, whom he married in 69 BC.
- The union was mainly an attempt to bring the families together after constant fighting.
- Pompeia was accused of adultery during a fertility festival.
- Caesar divorced her in 61 BC.
The Third and Final Wife
- Calpurnia was born into a high social status.
- Before Caesar died, Calpurnia didn't have superstitions.
- Right before his death she started to have weird dreams that caused her to have superstitions.
- She had a dream that Julius Caesar would die when he went to the Senate House.
- Her dream proved to be true.
- Calpurnia never remarried.