- Brainwashing - Steven Hassan
- Deprogramming - Getting members to leave The Unification Church, which could involves kidnapping, threats and methods of intimidation
- Relation ship with Judaism - "Jewish victims of the Holocaust were paying indemnity for the crucifixion of Jesus" - Sun Myung Moon
- Moon is the Messiah (Second coming of Christ)
- The bible is not the truth but a 'close approximation' like a textbook
- Moon and his wife are the 'True Parents' of mankind and members refer to them as "True parents"
- Marriage or Blessings are completed in 5 steps;
- Chastening, Holy Wine, Holy Blessing
- Separation period (40 days, sometimes longer)
- Three days ceremony
- Bulid harmonious community
"Give love and forget that you gave it."
The Public's opinion on The Unification Church ....
Origin of The Unification Church
By Gemela, Daria & Hendrix
Thank You For Watching Our Presentation !!!
- Sun Myung Moon=Second coming of Jesus Christ.
- When Sun Myung Moon was 16 years old Jesus Christ visited him, and told him to finish his work.
- Moon accepted the mission after consideration and pray.
- The Unification church was founded it 1954
Sun Myung Moon
"Even though we are deceived, still believe.
Though we are betrayed, still forgive. Love completely even those who hate you."
Moonies (The Unification Church)