"Doesn't just mean sending your work to India"
Focus on your unique capabilities / value add
Delegate / Hire / Streamline
Be scalable from the word Go..!
Revisit definition of Outsourcing
Revisit definition of Outsourcing
Why Listen to me?
Why are you here?
My Rationale for Outsourcing
When to Outsource?
Avenues for Outsourcing
Outsourcing quick tips
Questions & Answers
But allows you to..
Quicktips #2
Why listen to me?
Prepare Task lists & set expectations
Indicate priorities and due dates clearly
Code Review & Testing
Document all Feedback
Allow flexi-timing
Tools - Rescue time, Join.me, Trello, Dropbox
Worked at both ends of Outsourcing
Understanding of the international cultures
Delivered multimillion dollar Corporate projects
Maximizing scope by leveraging outsourcing
Quicktips #1
Why are you here?
Hard time finding technical talent?
Need quick and reliable access to new technologies?
Have a short project and don't want to take on the hassle of hiring?
Offer me funding for my Startup???
Start with a trial
Employment v/s contract
Frequent Communication
Check for Comprehension
Understand Cultural aspects
Twice daily Touchpoints
How and When to Outsource Services?
Jeetu Melwani
My Rationale for Outsourcing
Co-founder backed out
Programmers are hard to find in Chile
Closest quotation for web app alone was $20,000 USD
Outsourced (Web App + Chrome Browser Extension + iOS App + Android App + More) < $20,000
When to Outsource?
Avenues for Outsourcing
Local talent hard to find/ Expensive
Core services - More Vigilance
Non-core service - Moderate Vigilance
Any process that can be made repeatable
Market research
Hire virtual employee
Fixed price projects with Escrow
Hourly rates for work without Escrow
Task & Errand services