CMOP-E's Strengths and Limitations
Kawa Model
- use among all ages, different diagnosis
- multicultural settings
- client-centered
- occupationally supported environments
Theoretical Components of Kawa Model
Comparing Kawa to CMOP-E
- Developed in Japan by Dr Michael Iwama in 2000
- Cultural relevance for everyone
- Focuses on client's narrative and story
- Symbolizes a river of client's life from death to birth
- Water, Rocks, Driftwood, River walls and bottom,
CMOP-E's Limitations
- promotes therapeutic process from client's perspective
- occupation is core domain of concern
- relationship between people, environment, occupations, spirituality
- Comes from Western countries
- Doesn't identify limitations which cause barriers
- Interdependent relationship between components
Applying Kawa to Rwth
Assessment Tools
Kawa's Strength's
- River starts off simple at young age
- River bank - first problem diagnosis of MS
- Rocks represent impact body was having on mind
- Driftwood represents aspects that helped or hindered her
- Large pointy rock in middle - Rwth's mum developed dementia
- Positive aspects help Rwth move forward
- Cultural relevance for everyone
- Focuses on context that shapes challenges in life
- Multicultural
- River allows us to look at current situation
- Focuses on strengths and abilities
Kawa's Limitations
Gap's In Rwth's Profile
- New occupational therapy model
- Eastern philosophy
- Full self-disclosure of client's life