Aussie Icons
Cathy Freeman
Cathys achivements:
At the commwealth Games in auckland,new zealand she was awarded a gold metal forb being part of the 400m relay team.
Burt Newton
Burt's Achivements:
Burt has been in a number of musicals and shows over his life : he was recently in these musical's the wizard of oz, Beauty and the beast and the sound of music.
Burt's Qualities :
Burt is proud of what he has achived . He belives in himself and what he does .
he is a brave caring australian . Who is a good example of an australian icon.
Cathy Freeman won the 200 metres and the 400 metres at the 1994 Commonwealth Games in Canada. After her first win, Cathy ran a lap of honour carrying the Aboriginal flag and the Australian flag.
Cathy's Qualities:
Cathy is a brave indiginous Australian who is very proud of her Country.When she was young she was determind to win a gold medal . she is a good example of an australian icon beacuse she belived in hereself.