1) Ginseng dry extract
2) nigella sativa seeds
Herbal lab
Formula 4
(ginseng and nigella)
- Names
- Part used
- Active constituent
- Medical use
- Mode of action
- Side effects
- Information on any standardized extract
Part used
Active constituent
Triterpenoid saponin glycosides
(ginsenoside = panaxosides)
Polysaccharide glycans
Medical use
Mode of action
Information on any standardized extract
- Ginsenosides increase corticosteroids which enhance adaptogenic effect
- Ginseng augment adrenal synthesis of corticosteroids which play a significant role in the adaptation capabilities of the body to stress
- Daily dose is 1-2 gm crude drug or 200 mg of a concentrated aqueous extract standardized to contain 4% ginsenosides in the form of infusion ,capsules or extract
Nigella sativa
Black seed
Plants which increase the ability of the organism to adapt to different
stressors, balance the immune system, increase performance and vitality
and accelerate convalescence.
-Explaining the effect of adaptogens is difficult as they influence each
individual differently.
Side effects
- Long term used causes ginseng abuse syndrome
- CNS excitation
- Nervousness
- Insomnia
- Elevated blood pressure
Part used
Properties of adaptogens:
Adaptogens are non-specific in action i.e. they increase resistance of
the body to a broad spectrum of harmful factors (physical, chemical,
Adaptogens have a normalizing effect on the body i.e. tone down by
hyper functioning systems and strengthen hypo functioning systems
Active constituent
- Essential (volatile) oils: Thymoquinone
- fixed (fatty) oils:
- Omega 3
- Omega 6
Egyptian market
Difference between Adaptogens and CNS stimulants
- Golden root
- Gotu kola
- Cat’s claw
- Astragalus
- Shizandra
Nigella is very rich in sugars, all essential amino acids minerals and vitamins
In stimulants, the level of performance reaches its maximum followed
by a corresponding decrease below the average level of performance with a
feeling of exhaustion.
Information on any standardized extract
- Nigella seed extract (4:1) standardized to contain 5% thymoquinone used in dose of 50-57 mg in the form of capsules
- Also available in the form of oil, creams, gels and lotion
Medical use
- Adaptogen
- Immunostimulant
- Tonic
- Respiratory problems
- Nutritional supplement
Side effects
Mode of action
- Omega 3 and omega 6 are necessary for forming prostaglandins which strengthen the immune system and prevent infection
- Raises interferon production
- Increases cells of the immune system
- http://www.livestrong.com/article/349064-side-effects-of-nigella-sativa/