Why stick together?
- Being the lone institutional champion can be lonely
- A different perspective
- Crowd-sourcing knowledge
- Collaborating with others
- Pool resources
Starting a User Group
Step 1
- Find others who are interested
- Decide how you want the group to work
Step 3
- Find a suitable space
- Have the meeting
- Take notes
- Discuss future of the group
Step 4
- Blog about meetings
- Present at conferences about the group
Step 2
- Utilize any existing user groups (e.g. LMS)
- Post on message boards, mailing lists, Facebook groups and Twitter
- Advertise in relevant newsletters
Be prepared to start small and grow
- Mahara User Group for Southern England
- Formed after Mahara UK Conference
- We've had 3 meetings so far
- Display and discuss
- Twitter account @mugseUK
Existing Mahara User Groups
Domi Sinclair
Twitter: @Domi_Sinclair
Email: domi.sinclair@ucl.ac.uk
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Together we are stronger
Utilizing the portfolio community