"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual." - Albert Einstein
Further Observations
- Due to low inequality, most EU Member States score 2-3 ranks higher on IHDI than HDI
- Welfare Model States rank even higher: Finland from 21 HDI to 11 IHDI, Sweden 7 HDI to 3 IHDI and, Denmark 15 HDI to 9 IHDI
- Some other States in which Social-Democratic parties, and thus policy, prevails are astounding: Czech Republic 28 HDI to 14 IHDI, Hungary 37 HDI to 26 IHDI, Slovenia 21 HDI to 10 IHDI (Again with Slovenia?!)
Human Development Index
- Created by Mahbub ul Haq and Amartya Sen in 1990
- Issued yearly by UNDP as part of the Human Development Report.
- HDR is an independent, empirically grounded analysis of major development issues, trends and policies.
- Three Dimensional Index: Long healthy life, Attainability of Education, and the Standard of Living.
Indicators of Human Development
A Change in Methodology: From sum to geometric mean
- Long Healthy Life: Life Expectancy at Birth
- Education: From Adult Literacy Index to Mean Years of Schooling and Expected Years of Schooling
- Income: From GDP per Capita to GNI accounting for PPP in $US
- Many other indicators: Homicide Rates and Maternal Mortality
- The EU essentially leads the world in Human Development today (ex: suicide rates in some EU Member States exceed infant mortality rate)
- States with smaller populations paired with strong economies, such as Slovenia, or with more wealth distribution, such as Sweden, tend to lead in the EU in Human Development
- Some states that expressed aspirations to join the EU have a relatively low actual Human Development IHDI, with 40 for Ukraine and 63 for Turkey (lower than Lebanon's 59, if you can imagine!) They scored lower than any current EU Member State
Inequality-adjusted HDI
Europe and IHDI
- HDI reflects development if inequality didn't exist, or the development of the average citizen
- Inequality disrupts Development
- Starting in 2010, IHDI accounts for Inequality and accordingly reflects the reality of development
3 Sweden
4 Netherlands
5 Germany
6 Ireland
9 Denmark
10 Slovenia
11 Finland
12 Austria
14 Czech Republic
15 Belgium
17 Luxembourg
18 France
19 United Kingdom
20 Spain
22 Slovakia
23 Malta
24 Italy
25 Estonia
26 Hungary
27 Greece
29 Cyprus
30 Poland
32 Portugal
33 Lithuania
35 Latvia
36 Bulgaria
38 Romania
39 Croatia