Confucianism and Ancestor Worship in China
Ancestor Worship
- Deeply rooted within Chinese Culture.
- Belief there was reciprocal relationship between living and dead.
- Key feature of Confucianism.
Condemned by communists as superstition that wasn't acceptable as it allowed risk of Family Values.
Confucianism Pt2
- Along with other traditional religions it makes up 21% of China's religious demographic.
- Began to lose influence in early 20th century.
Considered the reason for everything that was wrong in China
- Confucianism is system of philosophical teachings that is sometimes considered a religion.
- It is based around the ideals of the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius who lived roughly 2,500 years ago.
- Values based around society living harmoniously.
It is one of the "3 Teachings along with Taoism and Buddhism