This is the life cycle of a star 10 times the size of our sun
The only differnce is that massive stars start out as bigger balls of dust and gas.
This stage of life is just the same as a regular star
This is where the size of the star stars to make a realy big diffrence
After massive stars are done with their main stage they can take a couple difffrent ways to go but only...
After the star goes through a super nova...
From a supernova a star can go 2 ways
If the star is 2 times the size of our sun it turns into a...
And if the star is more that 2 times the suize of our star then it creats a...
Black hole!!!
This is the second stage of life for a massive star. A massive protostar
All stars start out in nebulas.
Massave main sequence star
Some nebulas that the telescope hubble have found
Pulasar star
A pulasar is a star that spins and emits radition in lines all accros the universe
Supernovas are when a massive star ends its life
supernovas are the ending of one star but the bingeing of another one
A black hole is a star that whos gravity was so extream that is swaallows up all matter that comes near it