What does a Psychiatrist do?
It is a Clinical Occupation
- The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists -
- Information Package for Overseas Doctors working in Melbourne -
- Medical Workforce 2011 - file:///Users/Downloads/working_at_melbourne_health%20(1).pdf
- Medical Board of Australia - file:///Users/Downloads/14395.pdf
- MedRecruit (
- What made you choose psychiatry as a profession? - APA 2013 Attendees
- Medical Council in New Zealand -
- Australian Health Practitioners Registralion -
- Health Directory -
- Undertake and coordinate specialized mental health treatment,
- Diagnose and treat all type of mental illness,
- Administration and leadership in mental health provision services,
- Conducting research and teaching,
- Providing expert opinion to the community regarding mental health issues.
How many psychiatrists around Australia?
What are the similar occupations?
How are psychiatrists different from similar occupations?
Psychiatrist role and Protocols
Specific Psychiatric Fields:
Why Psychiatry?
Medical knowledge of physical illnesses
Prescription of psychotropic medication
Diagnose of severe mental disorders
Acurate Diagnosis and Treatment
Physical condition
Individual Circumstances
Mental condition
- Mental Health Nurses
- Psychologists and Clinical Psychologists
- Psychotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
Forwarding the patient to other
professionals and
prescribing medicines
- Child and adolescent psychiatry;
- Psychiatry of old age;
- Forensic psychiatry;
- Psychoanalysis;
- According to the Medical Workforce 2011, there were 2,813 psychiatrists around Australia.
- Average age: 52.4 years old
- Percentage of women in the field: 34.9%
- Average weekly hours of work: 38.5hrs
*DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.
How much a psychiatrist earn?
- Year 5: 168,000.00 P/A plus Superannuation Guarantee Contribution (Overseas Psychiatrists working in Melbourne);
- Average of $2000.00 per day
- $168,000.00 - $480,000.00 P/A;
Where does a Psychiatrist work?
How would you get to be one?
- Complete a basic medical qualification (registration with AHPRA or MCNZ);
- Minimum five years training specialist psychiatry with The Royal Australian and New Zeanland College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP).
- Continuous professional development.
- Specialist certificated by The Medical Board of Australia
- As a medical specialization, psychiatrists are registered in The National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS);
- Registration with AHPRA or MCNZ
- Fellow of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) qualification.
- Hospitals
- Clinics
- Private rooms
- Universities
- Prisons
- Private
- Public
- Academic practice and Research
AHPRA - Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency
MCNZ - Medical Council in New Zealand