The 16 Career Clusters
Education & Training
People who enjoy working with and helping people will find this career cluster very rewarding. People with careers in education and training include teacher's aides, parent educators, counselors, and librarians. They work with individuals on a one-to-one basis as well as groups of students. Often the job site is a school. However, other sites include offices, gyms, health clubs, private homes, and business settings. Related occupations include occupational trainers, administrators, and human resource specialists.
By: Paeton Spencer, Dianna Sroczynski, Kat Summerville.
Administration & Administrative Support: Superintendent, Principal.
Professional Support Services: Counselor.
Teaching & Training; Preschool Teacher, Professor.
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Human Services
Information Technology
Careers in this cluster involve working with plants, animals, and food processing. Power, structural, and technical systems as well as natural resources, the environment, and agribusiness are also included in this cluster.
The my job opportunities available in this career cluster all relate to families, human needs, and improving a person's quality of life. Some jobs assist individuals or families. Others involve entire communities.
Occupations in this career cluster design, develop, manage, and support hardware and software information systems. Career in this area are available in every sector of the economy---from financial services to medical services, from business to engineering and environmental services. People with careers in this cluster might be network administrators, technical writers, game programmers, or web designers.
Network Systems: Data Communications Analyst
Information Support & Services: Database Administration Associate
Interactive Media: 2D & 3D Artist. Animator.
Programming & Software Development: Operating Systems Designer& Engineer
Early Childhood Development & Services: Elementary School Counselor
Counseling & Mental Health Services: Clinical & Counseling Psychologist
Family & Community Services: Social Services Worker
Personal Care Services: Cosmetologist, Hairdresser, & Hairstylist.
Consumer Services: Consumer Affairs Officer
Plant Systems: Tree Surgeon
Animal Systems: Wildlife Biologists
Natural Resource Systems: Cartographer
Environmental Service Systems: Environmental Sampling & Analysis Scientist
Food Products & Processing Systems: Cheese Maker
Business, Management & Administration
Careers in this cluster involve clerical, computer, accounting, management, and administrative work. An office setting is the most common job site for people working in these careers.
Management: General Manager
Business Financial Management & Accounting: Budget Analyst
Human Resources: Human Resources Coordinator
Business Analysis: Business Consultant
Marketing: Salesperson
Architecture & Construction
Marketing, Sales & Service
Arts, Audio/Video Technology Communications
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Government and Public Administration
People working in this career cluster provide basic research as well as laboratory and testing services. Often their work results in a new discovery with the potential for improving life.
People with careers in the arts, audio/video technology, and communications include photographers, printers, painters, sculptors, singers, and dancers. Others are agents, cartoonists, stage managers, and lighting directors.
People in manufacturing careers produce cars, computers, appliances, furniture, toys, and other products. They refine ore and produce steel. They knit and weave textiles. They process chemicals and foods. They work in quality assurance, maintenance, installation, and repair. Health, safety, and environmental assurance are a part of this cluster. This cluster also includes inventory control and logistics. Most people in this career cluster work in factories or plants.
Careers in this cluster provide government, legislative, administrative, security, and regulatory services. All of these services are needed at federal, state, and local government levels.
Careers in this cluster involve the marketing, promoting, buying, selling, and distribution of goods and services. Market researchers look for ways to find new customers. Advertisers try to promote products and services by making them appealing. Buyers and purchasing agents get the supplies, equipment, and products their companies need to conduct business. People in marketing information management and research work to maintain customer databases and use statistics to predict trends and buyer behavior. People in distribution and logistics handle products and materials, manage movement and storage of raw materials and finished products, and coordinate inventory.
Hospitality and Tourism
Engineering & Technology: Aerospace Engineer. Hazardous Waste Technician.
Science & Math: Archeologist. Astronomer. Biologist.
Governance: President
National Security: Special Forces Officer
Foreign Service: Ambassador Foreign Service Officer
Planning: Chief of Vital Statistics
Revenue & Taxation: Tax Attorney
Printing Technology: Web page designer.
Visual Arts: Artist
Performing Arts: Dancer
Journalism & Broadcasting: Radio & TV Announcer.
Telecommunications: Telecommunication Computer Programmer & Systems Analyst.
Management & Entrepreneurship: Chief Executive Officer
Professional Sales & Marketing: Regional Sales Manager
Buying & Merchandising: Retail Marketing Coordinator
Marketing Communications & Promotion: Co-op Manager
Marketing Information Management & Research: Research Specialist & Manager
Production: Assembler
Manufacturing Production Process Development: Engineering Technician & Technologist.
Maintenance, Installation, & Repair: Biomedical Equipment Technician
Quality Assurance: Inspector
Health, Safety, & Environmental Assurance: Environmental Engineer.
People holding jobs in this career cluster generally handle tasks that involve money. Some professionals work for individual clients, while others work for various firms and organizations.
This cluster prepares people for careers in the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants, other food services, lodging, attractions, recreational events, and travel-related services. People in this career cluster work in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, amusement parks, country clubs, tourist attractions, and on cruise ships. In general, their work focuses on making visitors happy. Hospitality and tourism operations are located throughout the world.
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
Financial & Investment Planning: Personal Financial Advisor
Business Financial Management: Economist
Banking & Related Services: Teller, Loan officer
Insurance Services: Actuary
People in this career cluster design and build roads, bridges, and buildings They construct homes, offices, shopping centers, hospitals, and factories. Engineers make sure all structures are sound. Employees in maintenance/operations inspect and move new equipment into position. They determine the correct placement of machines in a plant, repair structures and machinery, and perform preventive maintenance. Most careers involving planning, designing, and engineering require college degrees or completion of certificate programs.
This career cluster involves planning, managing, and providing judicial, legal, and protective services. Employed by state and local levels, emergency service personnel fight fires and prevent crime. Attorneys, dispatchers, bailiffs, security guards, and inspectors are some related positions in this cluster.
Transportation involves moving passengers, argo, and mail on land, at sea, and in the air. Workers are needed to design, operate, and maintain the vehicles used and the systems that rack them. Planning, management, customer service, and regulation of transportation systems and their effects on safety and the environment are also a part of this cluster. Distribution and logistics are behind-the-scenes activities that make the transportation system run well. Workers in this career area make sure shipments arrive in good condition at the correct destinations on time in the most economical manner. They also arrange for adjustments for lost or damaged goods.
Restaurants & Food & Beverage Services: Catering & Banquets Manager.
Lodging: Front office manager
Travel and Tourism: Director of Visitor Services
Recreation Amusements, and Attractions: Club Manager & Assistant Manager, and Parks & Garden Ranger.
Correction Services: Warden
Emergency & Fire Management Services: Fire Fighter
Security & Protective Services: Security Systems Designer & Consultant
Law Enforcement Services: Bailiff
Legal Services: Case Management Specialist
Transportation Operations: Airplane Pilot & Copilot.
Logistics Planning & Management Services: International Logistics Manager.
Warehousing & Distribution Center Operations: Storage & Distribution Manager.
Facility & Mobile Equipment Maintenance: Facility Maintenance Manager & Engineer.
Transportation System Infrastructure: Surveying & Mapping Technician.
Health Science
The health science career cluster offers many opportunities for employment in careers that promote health, wellness, and diagnosis as well as treat injuries and diseases. Jobs are available in hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. Other workplaces include laboratories, dentists' offices, and pharmacies.
Therapeutic Services: Anesthesiologist Assistant
Diagnostics Services: Clinical Lab Technician
Health Informatics: Epidemiologist
Support Services: Biomedical Technician
Biotechnology Research & Development: Biochemist
Design & Pre-Construction: Designer, and Architect.
Construction: Painter, and Mason.
Maintenance & Operations: Preservationist.