The Men Who Built America
Cornelius Vanderbilt
JP Morgan
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Carnegie
John D. Rockefeller
Cornelius Vanderbilt
John Pierpont "JP" Morgan
- Born and raised in New York
- Horrible husband and father
- 1871- Started a banking company, J.P. Morgan & Co.
- 1870 - Standard Oil Company
- Forced several monopolies in the steamboat industry out of business
- Created the Carnegie Steel Company
*Bought out competitors and created a monopoly
- Created monopolies through financing railroads and buying out businesses, such as Carnegie Steel
- Owned the entire process from start to finish
- Steamship & Railroad tycoon
- 1901 - Sold company and focused on philanthropy
- Several companies from both industries
- Created US Steel, General Electric, & JP Morgan & Chase
- During retirement, he focused on philanthropic work
- Funded the expansion of public libraries and other educational based projects
*Donated over $530 million before he died
- Vanderbilt University was his only philanthropy
- Extensive art collection that he donated to MoMA