Venous Vascular Malformation
Works Cited
"Health Topics." Venous Malformations. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Dec. 2013. Web. 13 Mar. 2015.
Combined vascular malformation involves 2 or more types of vessel abnormalities. Any of these lesions may be combined: capillary, lymphatic, venous, and arteriovenous.
5 words
- capillary: capillar/o-capillary + -y-pt to =pt to capillary
- lymphatic: lypmh/o-lymph + -tic-pt to = pt to lymph
- venous: ven/o-vein + -ous-pt to = pt to vein
- arteriovenous: arteri/o-artery + ven/o-vein +ous-pt to = pt to artery and vein
- ultrasonography: ultra-beyond + son/o-sound + -graphy- process of recording = process of recording beyond sound
- history and examination provide enough information to make diagnosis
- tender to touch
- swells if area is inferior to heart
- could be confirmed through ultrasonograhy
- can occur in multiple sites
- the color depends on the depth and the amount of expansion in the blood vessels
- if the vessels are closer to the surface, then the color is darker
- soft to the touch
- while lying down, lesion expands, blood vessels are filled, and color deepens
There are many different types of treatment options.
- compression garments: to control swelling and pain in extremities
- sclerotherapy: injection of irritating solution to shrink the vein
- laser therapy: several treatments that are 6-8 weeks apart
- removal
- there are risks with some of these treatments