NC State
Career services and social activiteis
Michael Hernandez-Bernal
Some classes can help you get a job, or an internship. some classes are hand on, so you get more experience with a career. You can try to enroll into majors classes that easily apply to the job you want to be a part of, for example, i would want to take Aerospace engineering.
- There are a large variety of extra curricular activities
- Most activities are physical like sports, challenge course, and aquatics.
- There are a total of 28 meal periods every week,
- There are 4 different meal plans and anyone who comes to NC state for the first time must have a meal plan for their first two semester.
Campus Map
- There are leaning villages, campus apartments and residence halls
- To request a roommate you have to apply, and both people have to agree on this
- Most buildings are alcohol free, very few allow use, and you must be the right age
- It was founded in 1887 by the North Carolina General Assembly.
- It was first known as North Carolina State College, and as years went by, they offered more subjects like engineering and business education.
- During WWII they used some areas for military training.
- When you are under academic probation you are not allowed to be enrolled in or, take any other courses for a semester.
- They offer internships, cooperative education, and short term experimental partnerships, which can help people determine what career they want to be a part of, or gain experience.
- They also offer honors and scholars programs
Surrounding area activities
- The main thing is that you need to submit your SAT and ACT scores
- You also need your writing scores
- If you have taken it multiple times, submit all of your scores.
- They have museums, parks, theaters
- The application is due by January 15
- SAT and ACT scores are due February 1
- It's a public school
- They offer religious studies like Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity and many more.
- It is a co-ed school
Financial aid and scholarships
- Its located in Raleigh,NC
- Its 2,200 acres big
- They have indoor and outdoor fitness centers
- Craft center, a theater, a music department, and a museum of art and design
- Different housing options, dining areas, and an on campus farmers market.
- Requirements- You must enroll in a degree seeking program, you must be a US citizen or at be a legible non-citizen, you must be making progress, you must not be in debt for any other federal education loan.
- There are two main types of financial, you can work while studying, or you can pay them off at a later time.
- You can get scholarships, loans grants or campus employment