Reindeer Eyes Change
Color According to the Season
Why This Happens
By adapting to the seasons
and changing their eye color,
the Arctic Reindeer are able to
see better. They can spot
predators more quickly,
such as the wolf. This can
save their lives.
How This Happens
What changes
color in their eyes is called
the tapetum lucidum.
This is defined as a
mirrored layer that sits
behind the retina.
In the summer, the
reindeer's eyes have a
golden hue. This protects
them from the three continuous
months of bright summer
in the Arctic.
The Arctic experiences
very long and very dark
winters. The reindeer's eyes
change to a bright blue to
cope with the darkness.
The reindeer's eye color change is their way of adapting to their surroundings. This helps them see better in the different seasons so that they can be on the lookout for potential predators.
Work Cited
- "Study: Eyes of Arctic Reindeer Change Color with Seasons."
- "Reindeer Eyes Change Color to Match the Season."
Arctic Reindeer's eyes
change color to help them
adjust to the dark winters
and the bright summers that
they experience in their