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A Plant Cell Is Like A Circus

by Tara

lysosome-circus cleaners

The lysosome and the circus cleaners are alike because the both get rid of waste is there particular place.

Bonus: DNA


the nucleus holds an important part of the whole cell, that is called DNA. As we all know, our DNA or any DNA is from the history of our genetics. At the circus the ringmasters knowledge pf the circus is similar to the DNA of a plannt or animal.


nucleus-ring master

Vacuole-Backstage carts

The nucleus and the ring master do just about the same thing. The nucleus controls the cell structures just like a ringmaster controls the circus acts at the circus. In this case the ringmaster is the nucleus and the cell structures are the animal acts and performers at the circus.


The Vacuole is simillar to the backstage carts! The vacuole stores water and nutrients for the cell just like the backstage carts store the animal acts for the circus.

Golgi Apparatus-Circus manager

cell membrane-admission security

A cell membrane and the admission security are quite similar as well. The cell membrane controls what enters and exists in a cell, just the same as how the admission security controls who goes in and whats meant to be in the circus.



The Golgi Apparatus and a Circus Manager are very alike in what they do! The Golgi apparatus moves things (Lipids) around in the cell, and so does a circus manager at the circus.



Cell Wall-Circus Tent

Hey 8A and Ms wasif! For my cell project analogy I have chosen a circus because it is so similar to a plant cell! hopefully by the end of my project you all will have a better understanding of why a circus is like a plant cell.

The cell wall and the circus tent are very alike too! The cell wall is the outer layer of the c and the circus tent is the outer layer of the circus.

Rough ER-Taken seats


The Rough ER with Ribosomes resembles the taken seats at the circus! imagine Ribosomes as the people and the ER as the seats. The audience gives the circus money just like ribosomes give out proteins to the cell. The Rough ER moves the Ribosomes around the cell like the elected seats move the people around.


cytoplasm-the ground

The cytoplasm in a cell keeps structure together just like the ground at the circus which keeps the people in curtain areas.


Smooth ER-Empty seats


Smooth ER is just like the the rough ER but it has no Ribosomes, so with out Ribosomes (people in this case) it is the empty seats at the circus.


Mitochondria-Electric Outlet

chloroplast-food stand

Ribosomes are like the Audience at the circus. The audience gives the circus money just like ribosomes give out proteins to the cell.

The mitochondria in a cell and the electric outlet at the circus both give out energy to their particular belonging. The electric outlet gives energy to make the circus light up.

The chloroplast stores food/nutrients for the cell structures and gives it out them when they need it, exactly like a food stand would at the circus.


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