Protists VS fungi
By: Sierra Vansickel and Samantha Calvin
Protists are very beneficial to humans, they produce oxygen and food. They can also recycle nutrients needed for humans to exist. Albeit, they can also cause diseases in humans- Plasmodium protozoa causes malaria.
Fungi, as well, are very beneficial to humans. They are also beneficial They also help make products, like yeasts makes bread rise. They are also decomposers. But, they also can produce athlete's foot, cause disease, and ruin crops.
Fungi Like
Fungi are also eukaryotic organism. They have cell walls that produce chitin. They are also heterotrophs and more related to animals than plants.
- Are heterotrophs
- Have cell walls
- Use spores to reproduce
- Feeds off of items in the decomposition state
- Usually do not move, but a few might in some point or another
They are eukaryotic And are classified into three groups
Animal Like, Plant Like, and Fungus Like. They are very diverse and all protists will have protista kingdom
Fungi typically grow in soil and are mainly immobile throughout there life. They have a fruiting body that can resemble a plant. The cells of most fungi have hyphae and which are tubercular structures.
They can reproduce by both asexual and sexual means.
Since they are so diverse, scientist can only guess how many there is, but they say about 5% have been formally classified
- Protozoa
- They are heterotrophs
- Classified by how the move
- They have cillia
- Some have flagella which is used to propel them around
Plant like
- They are algae
- Autotrophs
- Have cell walls
- Is vital to the marine food chain
- Produce oxygen