- Forensics
- Gene Cloning
- Paternity Testing
Restriction Enzyme Digest
How Does this Relate to SeedOil and ExOil?
What is a Restriction Enzyme?
- Enzyme that cuts DNA molecules into fragments called restriction fragments
- By comparing the restriction fragments produced by both seeds we can tell whether the DNA was the same or not
Cuts DNA molecules by:
1. Recognizing a unique short DNA sequence on each strand that is repeated many times = restriction site
2. Cutting the strands at specific points in the restriction site
- Naturally found in bacteria
- Help protect bacteria from invading viruses
- Cuts up the virus's DNA which prevents the virus from taking over the bacteria's metabolism for replication
- work in many other cells and organism and have various other applications
- Scientists can also design restriction enzymes
- A unique set of restriction fragments are produced by a unique DNA strand and particular restriction enzyme
- This gives scientists a tool to compare differences in DNA of a species