Communicating Effectively
Before Communicating
- What are you feeling?
- Are you emotionally ready?
- Is this an appropriate time?
- Is this an appropriate place?
- Did you leave judgements behind?
- Can you be in a mindset of positive intent?
- If not ready, say so politely
- If ready, be prepared for a range of emotions
- Imagine this person wants resolution
- Emotions are ok, but actively release the negative ones, "I am not going there"
- Listen with kind thoughts
- Find something to own
Giver and Receiver
Susan Scott' Framework
All steps in under 2 minutes
1.Name the issue, the behavior that’s causing the situation; one sentence
2. Select a specific example (or two, not more) that illustrates the behavior or situation you want to change
3. Describe your emotions around the issue
4. Clarify why this is so important
5. Identify your contribution(s) to this problem
6. Indicate your wish to resolve the issue
Before Communicating
- What are you feeling?
- What is your goal?
- What is the best time?
- What is the best place?
- Who needs to be involved?
- Is it worth it?
- Be in touch with your feelings
- Take deep breaths and do relaxation exercises
- Think about the good
- Approach with positive intent
- Approach with curiosity
- Use Susan Scott's Framework