University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla
Department of English
Functional-Notional Approach
The Concept of Functional-notional Approach
- Based on theories of language acquisition, often referred to as the "natural" approach, and on the use of language for communication.
- Encompasses multiple aspects of the communicative act, with language structures selected according to their utility in achieving a communicative purpose.
- Functional notional syllabus
Essential components in functional-notional syllabi are:
1. The situations in which the FL will be used.
2. Topics and what the learner will be able to do.
3. Language activities to engage.
4. Language functions to perform
- Personal: expressing thoughts or feelings.
- Interpersonal: social relationships
- Referential: reporting about things, actions or events.
- Imaginative: discussion of creativity or art.
5.General notions which the learner will be able to handle.
6. Specific notions to handle
7. Language forms
8. Degree of skill required to display.
- nouns, pronouns, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, adjectives or adverbs
Jessica N. Diaz Ortiz
Professor Melissa Garcia
EDPE 3018 Section L31
February 24, 2016