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Wird geladen...
  • Born in 1901 in Scotland
  • Graduated from Glasgow university in 1924 with a degree in psychological medicine
  • Moved to North America in 1925 and quickly eastablished himself as a psychiatrist

World war II

  • Joined Wilder Penfield
  • Built McGill's Psychiatry program
  • Created Allan Memorial Institute
  • electroshock therapy
  • many differend drugs, including lsd
  • truth serum
  • disorganized thought patterns

Psychic driving

  • insulin induced comas
  • tape recorded messages repated 24 hours a day for as long as 30 days
  • "reprograms" the mind


  • repeated messages
  • rising state of distress and then healing suggestions

"negative" penetration

Madeleine, you let your mother and father treat you as a child all through your single life. You let your mother check you up sexually after every date you had with a boy. You hadn't enough determination to tell her to stop it. You never stood up for yourself against your mother or father but would run away from trouble.... They used to call you "crying Madeleine." Now that you have two children, you don't seem to be able to manage them and keep a good relationship with your husband. You are drifting apart. You don't go out together. You have not been able to keep him interested sexually.

"positive" penetration

You mean to get well. To do this you must let your feelings come out. It is all right to express your anger.... You want to stop your mother bossing you around. Begin to assert yourself first in little things and soon you will be able to meet her on an equal basis. You will then be free to be a wife and mother just like other women.


  • Many of his subjects were so "depatterned" that they had to be retaught basic things like how to speak, walk, read, and use the washroom
  • Many became "vegetables"


  • Cameron left the institute
  • Admitted in speech in NYC that all of his experiments were wrong and ineffectual
  • Died 3 years later
  • miscarriage in 1950
  • patient of Cameron's
  • victim of depatterning and psychic driving
  • reduced to infantile behaviour
  • need to be retaught how to perform basic tasks
  • Cameron thought he was curing them and that memory loss was a small price to pay


  • C.I.A. mind control program Cameron was a part of
  • C.I.A. wanted to use mind control as a weapon
  • Dr. Ewen Cameron's patients were all test subjects for the MKULTRA

Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron

Later discoveries

Patients discovered they were being used as Guinea pigs for CIA program MK Ultra.

Other Patients

Ester Schrier


  • C.I.A. mind control program
  • American soldiers returned from Korea praising communism - brainwashed

MK Ultra



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