the chihuahua's adaptations
The chihuahua has a great sense of hearing.They can hear dogs and other people without them being in the area.
The Evolution Of The Chihuahua
by lazarus rubalcaba
what the chihuahua was bred for
for people with allergies but still want a dog
the first chihauhau
- the Toltices,who existed in what is now mexico as early as the ninth century AD,they possessed a breed called the Techichi. This breed is regarded as the ancestor to the Chihuahua
Chihuahua's Characteristics
- Two varieties of coats, such as a long coat and smooth coat
- The smooth coat is soft and glossy
- The long coat is soft to the touch and feels like velvet
- There are two body types barrel and long
this is a chihuahua height chart
chihuahua's characteristics
- there are different types of chihuahuas.
- deer head,apple head,teacup,fawn