The Orphan: A Cinderella Story from Greece
by Anthony Manna
Made by Jason Firestein
Map Quest
Culture Counts
Magical Math
In the ''The Orphan'' their cultural aspect are
- homes are cottages
- streets are cobble stone
- economy is wealthy
- clothes are made by a Taylor
- hair styles are elaborate
- religion is to go to church
- geography is village, woods, and church in Greece
In the story there are three 3's. The 3's are three gowns, three beautiful dresses, and three days of the prince looking for the girl that can fit in the shoe.
Tales Teach
The tale ''The Orphan'' teaches us good things happen to good people and good things happen if you believe. Another lesson is you should never get revenge against a person that has been evil to you.
Tale Type
The story "The Orphan'' is a fairy tale because there is magical dresses and royalty.
The Orphan is an entertaining tale about when the orphan's mother dies and the orphan's father marries a cruel woman who has two spoiled daughters. During the orphan's chores, she goes outside and Mother Nature gives her three beautiful dresses that she will wear at the prince's service at church. What will happen at the service? Will the prince fall in love or try and find the special girl that ran away from the village church? Read this outstanding tale to find what will happen to the orphan........