What is an NGO?
- 2003 Goodwill Ambassador (UNICEF)
- NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organisation
- Non-profit group organized on a local or international level
- Humanitarian functions:
- Human rights
- Environment
- Health
Why have we chosen it?
Because we think Shakira is doing a great job helping orphan children and as she is an international celebrity she can make her foundation even more famous
Why have I chosen it?
I love the "Back to the Future" films
Every disease must have a
research foundation
- 2010
- After the Haiti earthquake in January, she involved herself to help to improve the education of the country
- She appeared in Freixenet's commercial, donating all the money she earned to build new schools
- 2013
- Patricia Sierra
- Recognized between 5 organizations most acclaimed in Colombia
- 2015
- 3 conventions with Nourish the Children, Restrepo Barco and ISA
- 7 students were selected in SABER 11 to the program "Ser Pilo Paga"
Nike Mag
- 2005
- 1st plan for children in state of vulnerability
- Primary Educative Institution Barefoot in Quibdó
- 2007
- University grants to best students (Young Educators)
- 2008
- second plan for children in state of vulnerability (2008-2011)
- 2009
- Inauguration of School and Communitary Center Barefoot in Barranquilla
- Michael J. Fox
- Diagnosed Parkinson's disease in 1991
- 2000 the foundation was launched
- Three targets:
- Slow down, stop, reverse
- Symptoms
- Side effects
- Todd Sherer
Our chosen one is 'Comic Relief' because it has a very clear message, which is making us aware about what happens around us and the fact that although we don't live in those situations, doesn't mean we can't contribute.
- They received support from some remarkable people
- Raised over £1 billion.
Money from J.K Rowling’s books goes to children’s causes throughout the world.
- It’s a major charity based in the UK
- Founded in 1985 by Alexander Mendes and Richard Curtis
- Main Target: stop famine in Ethiopia
What they have achieved
- elderly abuse
- land rights to African countries
- opportunity to disabled people
BY: Marina Arshava, Mónica Dies, Lorena Luis, Ana Martínez and Andrea Nuzzi