What: New ideas to society at the time
Time period
1500-1700 (roughly)
- Geocentricity: Earth is the center of the universe
- Heliocentricity: Sun is the center of the universe
- Scientific method: A technique in investigating an idea
- Ptolemaic Universe: An earth centered universe with sun, moon, and planets revolving around it
- Beyond 10th Sphere: The belief that beyond a certain point in the universe was heaven/the kingdom of God
- Rationalism: The belief that reason is the most accurate source of wisdom
- Discovery of the new world
- Invention of the Printing Press
- Rivalry among Nation-States
- Reformation
- Renaissance Humanism
Scientific Revolution
Important People
Concept Map
- Issac Newton: English physicist, mathematician, and astronomer
- Nicolaus Copernicus: Polish astronomer and mathematician
- Galileo Galilei: Italian physicist, astronomer, and mathematician
- Johannes Kepler: German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer
- Francis Bacon: English philosipher, statesman, and scientist
- Aelius Galenus (Galen): Roman physician and surgeon
- Tomas de Torquemada: Spanish Grand Inquisitor
- Andreas Vesalius: Flemish anatomist
Lead by Spanish Catholic monarchy against Protestants and conversos
Roman Inquisition:
Lead by the Pope to prosecute any heretics
The scientific revolution expelled irrational and old-fashioned beliefs to make way for radical scientific advances in the modern world.